intuitive reading
ignite your highest purpose & magik
take your place sis
change the world
You know in your bones you are meant for more
☽ You have big dreams but sometimes you wonder if you are allowed to have them (who do I think I am!).
☽ You’ve always known you’re meant for bigger things but you find yourself staying small & not able to fully take your place in the world.
☽ Sometimes your heart bursts with the desire to bring big impact, but fear, shame, trauma … prevent you from taking action.
I know this, I’ve lived it & today I can help you
☽ Validate your vision & purpose so you can stop doubting and judging yourself for your big dreams!
☽ Uncover what’s blocking you and the exact shadow work necessary to help you expand and take your place in the world.
☽ Find which practices will support your healing best, what needs to change & tap deeper into your confidence to take action.

I believe that living your true soul potential changes the world.
The world needs the joy that irradiates from Soul living people, especially from us, women, being free from old constraints, and flowing through life in true alignment with our hearts and souls.
If you are here, it means that you already know that, and you know that you have a true purpose (or more than one!) to live in this lifetime. And you want with all your heart and passion to do just that, bring your own magik to the world, live your big life, change the world.
The Ignite! Reading is meant to bring you the support, guidance, and clarity that you’re seeking to create a life in alignment with your highest soul truth, to go beyond your fears & doubts and bring the impact you yearn to bring in the world.
Depending on your questions, the reading can help you see clearly:
- Which aspects of your highest soul purpose/potential/vision are ready to be ignited now.
- What is your specific kind of magik and what gifts are ready to be activated.
- What is blocked and needs some healing and some gentle loving.
- What actions are needed and what changes are necessary to bring your highest soul ignited self to life!
The Reading will validate things that you’ve known about yourself on some level but never allowed yourself to fully believe were true, or even judged or shamed yourself for thinking them, or just doubted them.
The Reading will also bring light to aspects that you might not want to see, it will challenge you (gently) and can bring up strong emotions and a certain level of discomfort. I believe this is inevitable on the path to transformation. I go through it too. And we are strong enough to walk this path, walk through and onto the other side.
After an Ignite! Reading you will feel expanded, seen, validated, empowered, and maybe a little freaked out too! (facing our true potential can be scary). The reading will give you the guidance & direction you’re looking for, it is deep transformative and impactful work if you are ready to receive it.
The reading with Julie was really profound – she created a really safe space that made me feel very relaxed and like I was in safe hands, and once Julie connected to my topic she had an intuition about it almost immediately that catalysed several really important insights in me.
I loved that she used a drum and that there was a beautiful flow between her tuning in and receiving insights and us exploring them together. Julie held a really grounded and loving space for everything that came up in me and we began the healing process of a very old wound related to being seen in my creativity. I left feeling healed, validated and more empowered around this topic. I’m immensely grateful and will definitely be turning to Julie again for further sessions!
How it works
The Reading session takes place via Zoom on video and lasts 60mins.
I will ask you to prepare 3 questions* in avance to have ready for the reading.
The session is quite interactive, and flows, we will go back and forth. It can go deep but it is always gentle.
*Guidance for the questions: It is best not to ask questions with a yes or no answer. You can ask instead, what will happen if I do this, or don’t do this?

You know this is for you? Yay sister! Then book your reading by clicking on the button below.
Not sure yet, keep reading and take your time sis, no rush. If it’s for you, you’ll know.
book your intuitive reading:
120 €
Email me: julie@julielecarrer.com for any questions!

Reading is:
transformation by bringing you …
- Higher guidance to help you overcome a period of doubt & indecision and soar!
- Validation of your gifts, visions & purpose.
- Deeper knowledge of who you are and what you’re meant to do.
- Healing for the parts of yourself that are holding you back & need tendering to, before expanding.
Who is it for?
Sensitive, passionate & ambitious womxn …
- Who have a big vision & big dreams and who have a deep desire to bring a magikal impact to the world.
- Who know they’re meant for more and are determined to create their highest vision.
- Who believe in and are willing to do the shadow work it takes to shine unapologetically & fully take their place in the world!
TheIgnite! is not:
a ready made solution …
- With certain & predetermined answers – things are mutable and evolve constantly.
- With a prognosis for your future.
- Without any inner work on your part.
- With fake answers & telling you what you want to hear.
Who is it not for?
Womxn …
- Who want to be told what to do. You are the only one who can decide what to do for yourself.
- Who are not ready to do the deep inner work necessary to bring healing and transformation to themselves and the world.
- Who are looking for definitive answers and a prognosis of the future – nothing is ever certain, things constantly move and shift.
These women! & their love
I am an individual who has experienced many different kinds of intuitive readings and I’ve felt no greater connection than my time spent with Julie during our session. Immediately, Julie made me feel safe and supported so that I could let down my guard and commit with her to a deep, honest and trustworthy connection.
Our reading moved with ease and my questions were often answered before I even asked them. The imagery Julie interpreted and messages she conveyed have invigorated my soul purpose and I not only see a clear path forward, but have been shown threads of every experience I’ve had in the past supporting the next phase of my life and career. If you are seeking illumination, be sure to book in for a reading with Julie.
The intuitive reading session with Julie was amazing and truly inspiring. Julie creates a sacred space for you to immediately feel safe so you can allow her to bring you her guiding light. When I booked our reading, I wasn’t sure if this would truly be helpful because I usually think “I’ve got things figured out on my own”, but I was curious to experience it nonetheless.
Within a few minutes of starting our session, Julie had already connected with the inner tensions that were holding me back. It felt deeply healing to be seen and supported in this way. It was unlike anything else I had ever experienced before, a bit like a giant hug and a gentle push forward.
Additionally to her channeling insights, Julie also offered healing and self-empowerment guidance, which I found really helpful.
The path of bringing your vision and ideas to this world is sometimes terrifying, and although I have accepted that fears and doubts would always be a part of the journey, what was revealed and uncovered during my session with Julie still helps me today to comfort myself and move forward.
I highly recommend Julie’s reading to boost your self-confidence and find the courage to follow your soul’s purpose.
I loved my reading with Julie. I felt held and seen.
She powerfully reflected to me my energy and she shared heartfelt guidance. I love how she tunes into the energy, interprets it and feels what is important at this moment on my journey.
Julie is a gentle force with a real gift for getting right to the core of an inquiry and an ability to see through to the core of resistances and blocks. Her reading unveiled a longstanding blind spot and her guidance prompted a new perspective which I feel will serve me greatly.
Thank you Julie, you are an angel on earth.
Julie’s sessions are filled with genuine care and authentic magic. The container Julie co-creates is deeply loving and safe. This enabled me to soften and receive the session at a deeper level. The inclusion of the shamanic drum was both soothing and grounding.
My inner child was delighted that she was acknowledged as being essential to my business growth. I highly recommend Julie’s sessions for activating your inner guidance system.
More details on the magik
what happens during the reading?
Before starting a Reading I have my own little ritual. I feel it is respectful to do a ritual and also to ensure protection and integrity during the channelling process.
I use the drum during the reading for each question. It’s beautiful as it brings grounding for both me & my client and it allows me to easily open the channel between our realm and the invisible ones. I love it!
I receive information in three ways. The first and strongest one for me is visual, I will see an image in my mind, a scene. The second is in the form of a thought that will come through. The third is physical sensations.
The information I receive comes from my guides, my higher self, your guides and your higher self/Soul.
Being a healer in essence, I receive information and guidance about your shadow, which can be confronting but also necessary and beautiful. It will give you some deep insights on what might be blocked and suggest guidance on what could help.
The reading won’t tell you anything you don’t already know on some level, or that is already within you. I am here to serve as a vessel to validate and clarify what is already there, and help you see where you can’t see for yourself. I go for readings too!
It’s a really beautiful process, often I’ll be moved to tears when the true Soul aspects come through, I’ll also feel the power of your purpose coming through and often the pain or sadness present in you too. It’s really special and it’s an honour.
WHat more can the ignite! reading bring you?
- A renewed sense of purpose. You might have been stuck or uninspired for a while, not feeling the joy of your vision, your work, your project. The Reading will help you reconnect with that by helping you go back to the essential essence of you, and what you’re meant to do in relation to your vision.
- A deeper understanding of what’s going on, why are you not taking action, or why do you repeatedly sabotage yourself, why you might be stuck right now, etc. Some new insights might come through for you from the shadow side, or the light side. All there to support you and your highest vision for your life.
- Highlight your strength and abilities and what unique gift(s) you can bring to the world at this time – your own magik!
- Develop your intuition and trust in yourself. When you get validation for something you had a feeling about but couldn’t quite trust, it helps consolidate your inner compass tremendously. Also this work by its nature will help activate further your own intuitive gifts.
I believe the Ignite! Reading will bring you the exact type of nourishment, information, insights & healing that you need right now for your growth and for a better world.
my story with doing readings
At the end of 2012 I started to do mandalas inspired drawings for my friends and saw that each one was completely different. Which made me realise that each mandala was representing the person and not just my own expression. I was channelling! And slowly I noticed that while drawing I would get information or insights about the person and I came to learn that, that was a reading.
So I explored more and practiced more on people I didn’t know. And a couple of years later I started giving healing sessions where I would receive information for the person without doing a drawing!
I am so honoured and grateful for this gift. When I tune in I feel home.

More about me

Hi I’m Julie!
I believe in beauty and intuition, truth and power.
In my working life I’ve gone from waitressing & being a PA to being a freelance interior designer and setting up my own online business.
My personal journey has been mainly focused on healing myself from childhood trauma. Remembering my truth, and connecting to my soul & my purpose. Through this journey I came to uncover my intuitive gifts and learn that I am a healer in essence.
Reconnecting to my intuition changed my life completely and gave sense and essential meaning to it.
As a little girl and growing up I wasn’t in touch with my intuition at all. I lived a lot in fear and all my energy went into creating coping strategies and mechanisms to have a sense of control and safety in my environment. It’s after years of therapy, energy work and spiritual healing that, my system started to feel safe enough to leave space for intuition, and for my soul gifts to emerge. What a journey.
Six years ago I started developing my healing work through art, movement, meditations and working directly with womxn to help them connect to their own essential soul truth & potential.
Since then I have developed my intuitive readings and will soon be also offering my Soul Sparkles paintings!
also …
- I am 48, French (proud Bretonne) living in Brussels.
- I’m Sagittarius Sun, Aries rising & Aquarius Moon.
- I’m an Emotional Manifestor 4/6 (Human Design)
what i see as credentials for this work
- Developmental trauma: I grew up in a broken and dysfunctional family with verbal, emotional abuse and emotional neglect. I felt neither safe nor loved by any of my parents or caregivers. This means that I had to hold A LOT by myself, within myself. Which has created in me the capacity to be able to hold a lot, in a space for others. With deep empathy & love.
- 20+ years of mental & emotional healing and growth: psycho dynamic therapy, psychotherapy, energetic therapy (EFT, EMDR), Somatic Experiencing, coaching, energy healing. Allowing me to be relatively trauma-informed when it comes to information coming through in a reading.
- 8+ years of spiritual healing & growth: meditation, visualisation, intuition, connection with nature, learning about shamanism, the drum, rapé ceremony, kirtan circles.
- Knowing myself better through astrology, Human Design, my menstrual cycle, being HSP (highly sensitive person), an empath, having C-PTSD.
- I never learned to be a channeller and it wasn’t really a choice. My abilities emerged when I started to learn to listen to my soul’s voice and following my intuition. I did ask for validation and guidance along the way because I had no idea what was coming through or what I was doing at first.
- I am a healer in essence. Which means that anything that I do (from heart & soul) will be healing on some level. Being a healer and having gone through a lot of trauma myself, I can receive, understand and translate messages related to shadow work.

My mission sis, is to help you on your journey to coming out of hiding, being seen, taking your place & and rocking the world with your powerful work.
book your intuitive reading:
120 €
Email me: julie@julielecarrer.com for any questions!