Enter the Magical realm of your inner world ☆
Tell me
Do you go through your days rushed, overwhelmed and stressed?
Is your life ruled mostly by your mind?
Do you have difficulty recognizing your feelings?
Do you often feel separated from your body?
What if
You could feel whole?
You knew how to follow the guidance of your heart and Soul?
You became aware & understood what’s happening inside of you?
You started to feel present with yourself & your body?
I love nothing more than to help you connect to yourself!
To help you feel, trust & know who you are.
To help you align, heart body & soul.
To help you grow and transform.
To help you feel empowered.
How ?
In Intuitive Sessions for Inner Connection I work with you with what arises in the moment • Here are some examples of what you can expect in the sessions:
Body grounding
Role play
Guided meditation
Body & self-connection
These are the benefits you can expect from Intuitive Sessions for Inner Connection – depending on what comes up for you:
Connection with heart & body
Feeling energized
Feeling inspired
Inner growth
Self-Care / Time for yourself
☆ and allow your vision and dreams to manifest on the outer
Practical information
When, where & how
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This is a 3 months program with 3 sessions per month.
The sessions are via Zoom with video.
Session length: 60 mins
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Payment in full: $450 (400€)
3 monthly payments: $160 (140€)
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Try now with a complimentary session
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Book now your free 60 mins complimentary session, during which we will also discuss how I can help you and if this program is for you.
Go here to book your session: calendly.com/julielecarrer/session
If you have any questions email me at julie@julielecarrer.com.