You want to, but can’t seem to take the space & time just for you?
To meditate? To connect to your body?
Do you at times
Feel disconnected from yourself
Drained and lonely
Anxious and doubtful
Yearning for more love in your life?
What if
There was a space for you to be with all of you
Where you felt safe to let go and totally relax
Where you could be seen just as you are
Where you felt loved and supported
In The Divine Circle
All of you is welcome
I hold a space that is gentle, safe & loving
You explore in your own rhythm
You take space & time just for you
This is for you
If you desire to make some space & time for yourself
If you’re ready to connect deeper to yourself
If you’re looking for connection & support from other women like you
This is for you

Hi my love, I am Julie,
I absolutely love giving these sessions and I am very excited to share them with you.
I am a sensitive intuitive guide, healer and energy worker and in The Divine Circle
I hold a space for you that is sacred, gentle, loving and healing.
I used to not even know that I needed space & time for myself, I used to have no clue about
who I was, how to take care of myself and love myself. Along the years I’ve learned a lot,
I’ve done a tremendous amount of work on myself and I’ve got to a place where I can
now guide you in your own journey, wherever you are. And I understand you.
When we give ourselves true space & time we help the world become
a more authentic place too.
What happens in The Divine Circle Session:
1. Landing
Whatever you were doing before during the day, this is the time where we arrive and center within ourselves and the space.
I guide you with an intuitive meditation, to arrive gently, land within yourself and connect within the Circle. It’s very calming and delicious.
2. Setting the Divine Circle
I intuitively set a theme for each session (ie: Inner Power/Womb Space /Throat Chakra, etc.) and after landing you stand up and step in your
space and I guide you to set an intention for yourself around that theme. Then I guide you to create your own ‘landscape’ within the Divine
Circle. This means bringing in any element that wants to support you at that time, it can be from nature (a tree, the ocean, the sun,
butterflies, etc.), it can be animals (a wolf, a horse, ect.), and also depending on your beliefs it can be any divine help, like angels, your guides,
nature spirits, etc. It’s quite magical and playful.
3. Movement
Once your beautiful ‘landscape’ is ready, we put the music track on and it’s time to free the body, to move and dance freely, to play and explore
with your intention and the elements you brought in. You might feel like dancing with the Moon, swaying like the ocean’s waves, or feel a
magical breeze run through your fingers …. The music takes you through different rhythms, it starts quiet and slow and gradually reaches
a crescendo before slowing down again to a quiet and slow rhythm. This gives you space for different levels of exploration, expression, letting
go, integrating, playing, stillness … And all the while I move with you and hold the space for you with some intuitive guidance, words and lots of
love. This sequence lasts around 12mins and it’s truly divine and liberating.
4. Visualization
This is the final part, where we sit down again with our body’s energy still vibrating from the music and movement. And where I take you on an
inner journey, an intuitive visualization. These journeys can take us anywhere: on a beach around a fire with other women, in the desert riding
wild horses, in the Universe meeting with our own Soul, etc. Anything can happen, any magic can take place, I usually stay connected to the
theme, exploring further, opening new doors and inner connections. Through this journey you can relax even deeper and connect to any
innersensations arising in the moment, feeling free of any constraints, and letting your imagination run free, it’s deeply nurturing.
A bit more on the process
Landing at the beginning allows the mind to take a back seat so that when we start moving you’re already more relaxed,
more in the body and connected within and more open to being with what arises in the moment within your space in the Divine Circle.
Sitting down again for the visualization, with the body’s awareness hightened and the mind expanded and relaxed, allows for a deeper
connection to yourself at all levels and for what’s ready to heal, to heal.
The impact of this practice on your life
By taking this time for yourself week after week, month after month, you’re building a new muscle, a new level of inner
trust by showing up and by taking care of yourself and loving yourself through this process. The practice helps you to become more apt at
connecting with yourself, feeling, opening, trusting. Each time you come to this space, you connect to new levels of yourself; something new
can come up for you, a new sensation, a deepening of your intuition, a new level of body connection.
You will learn to take time & space for yourself when you need it, when you need to find your center again, outside the sessions.
By doing this practice regularly, by showing up for yourself consistently, you become closer to yourself, you learn to know yourself more deeply,
you learn to feel your truth more deeply, to feel connected to yourself as a whole and to love and accept yourself just as you are.
Julie has a beautiful gift of creating a safe, peaceful, respectful environment in which to explore, feel, and play.
Her ability to combine meditation, movement, sound, and visualization make for a deeply centering
experience and a gentle way to find yourself again. Heather L.
The session with Julie was an absolute delight! Julie’s presence was gentle and her guidance balmy and soft.
The musicality in her voice takes you to another world. My experience in the Circle was mystical, one that left
me feeling replenished, relaxed and expansive.
Overall, the session was an absolute pleasure, deep and magical,
which left me connected with my body, and brought a feeling of connection with everything around me in the
widest possible sense. As I am writing this testimonial a few weeks later, I feel longing for the magical realm I
was conducted in by Julie’s voice and guidance.
It was truly a magical experience. Maria Ortega Garcia.
Every single session with Julie brings me closer to myself. She guides intuitively and with an open heart.
Afterwards I always feel very connected, at peace and grounded. Vanessa G.
Where & when?
The Divine Circle takes place online on Zoom, with video.
(I share all the details for easy access prior to the session).
There are 3 sessions per month.
Session length: 60 mins
Thursdays at 12pm EST / 6pm CEST
* You can check your time zone correspondance here.
How to enter the Circle & Investment
You feel a big yes? Beautiful!
The Circle opens its doors at the start of each month.
You can join and save your place at any time but your first session will be the first one of the month.
The Divine Circle is closed for August and will re-open in the Fall
The only condition to join is to be able to join with video (the sessions are not recorded and this is a very safe & gentle space :)).
Maximum capacity in one Circle is 8-10 women.
FREE sessions will be back in the Fall!
You want to join but wish to try first?
Great! Then you’re welcome to a FREE session.
Sign up for a FREE session HERE
To enter the Circle now choose your prefered investment below.*
*You can cancel your subscription at any time.
Monthly Investment
Once you’ve joined you are invited to enter The Divine Circle’s
private Facebook group. This is your ongoing ‘me’ time space in
between sessions, where you can come in anytime to be with
yourself, to share, to witness and feel the love from the other
+ Bonus Gift: Inner Time Coloring pdf Book (pdf)
This printable book contains 8 hand drawings & each comes with a
text/poem to guide you and inspire you while coloring. Coloring is
powerfully calming and centering, it is an amazing way to spend
time just with you.
3 Months Investment
Once you’ve joined you are invited to enter The Divine Circle’s
private Facebook group. This is your ongoing ‘me’ time space in-
between sessions, where you can come in anytime to be with
yourself, to share, to witness and feel the love from the other
+ Bonus Gift: Inner Time Coloring Book (pdf)
This printable book contains 8 hand drawings & each comes with a
text/ poem to guide you and inspire you while coloring. Coloring is
powerfully calming and centering, it is an amazing way to spend
time just with you.
+ + Bonus Gift: Heart Opening Visualization (Audio) – This
beautiful guided visualization will help you to deeply relax, feel
open hearted, soft and open to life.
If you have any questions, email me julie@julielecarrer.com
When you take space & time for yourself you honor yourself deeply with care an love.